This is terrible…

My husband and I went out to dinner the other night and we come upon these…

These TERRIBLE door pulls that damn near cut my hand!!

Ok – so a couple of things:

1. Who the hell thought that it was good idea to install such an uncomfortable device?

2. Who the hell thought that it was a good idea to OVER design such a simple element?

3. Did anyone think about the user???

4. Did this client have too much money???


I FEEL like I can’t even get an owner to pay for the necessary insulation half the time – but this guy (and yes I am assuming that the architect was a man) was able to get this painful hardware approved – custom built – and installed.

Sorry to rant, but as architects we are charged with the responsibility of providing innovation, comfort and the ultimate user experience through competent design. I have zero compassion for anyone who feels as though it is OK for anyone to bleed upon entry to their building.






[quote_left] Construction is steadily moving forward…. [/quote_left]




Here are the latest progress photos from the Sedgley Plaza project (2.7.2012):


OV @ DOBBS 3.10.12


New Blank Canvas.

[quote_left] They say that patience is a virtue… [/quote_left]




For as long as I can remember, I have been scared of my kitchen.

- When it rained – It rained in the kitchen.

- We had (2) roofers look at it + return to my house after every storm…

It still leaked.

Me: WTF?!?!@?!

Deme: Damn.

- We had buckets.

- Towels.

- Moisture.

- Mildew.

- But then the roofer came back and told us that we had a siding problem. Not a roof problem.

Me: WTF?!?!@?!

Deme: Damn.

- More buckets.

- Garbage Cans.

(I seriously cringed when rain was in the forecast.)

- More Towels.

- NO – at this point it was damn near ALL of our towels.

- I swear it felt we were trying to hold back the levee.


To no avail……

Eventually – the damn ceiling fell down.

Me: WTF?!?!@?!

Deme: Damn.


It was a long time coming and prayer is a beautiful thing…

We were able to finally get the kitchen fixed + touch up a few other places that needed a little TLC in the house…

My brother EJ and Deme put the ceiling fan up in the dining room… Apparently it took them all day.

Introducing my NEW Blank Canvas…



(Thank You Trey.Deme.Mommy.Danny for introducing us to Trey + Trey again. You are a savior.)

coming together…



A pictorial UPDATE on Sedgley



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