Simply Simple

I recently had the opportunity to develop a brand for an up and coming new fashion blog! After consulting with the client, it was apparent that the concept of beauty and fashion were to revolve around change and a metamorphosis of the actual person… What better way to symbolize this than with a pure and simple butterfly?

Stay tuned for great things (and advice) to come from Simply Beautiful Style!



A New Element…

We had the pleasure of shooting Element K band at one of their latest shows at Alibis in West Chester! Check out their website here:







I just love it when a plan (or an elevation) comes together… Here is just a quick example of the wonderful CAD drafting skills from your friends at The AUX Collective…

The project consists of a FULL renovation of an existing brownstone in the Rittenhouse section of Philadelphia… These particular elevations were developed in order to satisfy a requirement for an upcoming zoning submission.

Need an existing building survey? Purchasing a property and would like a pair of architectural eyes prior to your purchase?

Drop us a line!

Copyright © The AUX Collective 2013-2021